
A concise curriculum about the main professional activities of the company will be enclosed in succession, subdivided in these chapters:

  • Design and works management of aqueducts, sewer systems, river bed planning, waste water treatment systems and conditioning systems
  • Renovation of sewers networks, and aqueducts systems of Municipalities, also linked to the purification system and the tanks of the municipal aqueduct
  • Consolidated experience in the field of hydrologic and hydraulic studies dealing with riverside checks, as well as with the hydraulic and hydrologic compatibility checks set by the regulations provided by the Basin Authority.
  • Design and supervision of construction done within private and public housing, schools, industries and structural engineering
  • Design and supervision of construction done within hydraulic engineering
  • Design and supervision of construction done within civil engineering (roads and bridges in particular).

It’s also possible to consult a more detailed curriculum about the company drawn up according to tables G and H of Merloni Law.